furniture yogyakarta

Dubbed as the premium wood type, teak is one of the most in-demand woods both in the local Indonesian market as well as globally. However, just like choosing any other furniture, being informed before you make your decisions to purchase furniture in Yogyakarta is one of the most important things that you should pay attention to. 

Teak wood furniture in yogyakarta 

teakwood furniture indonesia

Indonesia is known as one of the largest exporters of teak wood, especially furniture made of teak, distributed everywhere in the globe. However, not all teak furniture is created equally. There are a number of essential factors to take into account before and during your furniture shopping. Some of them include the source of the wood, constructions, as well as craftsmanship, among other things. 

Pay attention to where the wood is sourced 

As one of the areas that exports the highest number of teak wood in the world, sadly, despite regulations, illegal logging still happens. This is when you’d want to carefully select the source of your teak. It’s easy to buy furniture in yogyakarta from dubious plantations. But if you do your research, finding legal sources of wood plantation used in furniture is not at all difficult. 

Government-regulated teak plantation 

home furniture yogyakarta

Furniture made of teak wood sourced from the government plantation are known to come from Perhutani, managed by the bureau of Indonesian forestry, which is by far the only source of wood from which the forests are professionally maintained for the highest quality of wood as well as monitored to prevent exploitation. There are plenty of other wood sources that are maintained by individuals or private groups, however, by far, there’s no indication that these forests are properly monitored. 

When it comes to location, some locals said that Blora regency of Central Java is an area where some of the highest quality teak comes from. Another regency is Pacitan, located in the East of Java, is known to produce some of the ideal teak wood for furniture in Yogyakarta works. 

Getting to know the process of producing wood furniture

yogyakarta furniture manufacturers

Regardless whether you have the highest grade premium teak wood you could get your hands on, the manufacturing process of the furniture yogyakarta plays a vital role in creating quality pieces that can last you a lifetime. The wood must be properly kiln-dried and processed in order to eliminate all of the moisture. The thicker the wood slab, the longer it will take to dry. This is why it’s so important not to rush your manufacturers, especially if you decide to order bulk custom furniture made from scratch for you. 

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The joints of the wood is also one of the key indicators to tell whether a piece of furniture is of good quality or not. This is not only true for teak wood furniture yogyakarta but also with all types of wood furniture. The best types of joints are joined with mortise and tenon technique or dovetailed. The second-best, but still pretty reliable are joints that are doweled or screwed.